Nobel Peace Prize Winner Speaks on Climate Change

Climate Expert to Bring Hard Realities to Alberta:

Talk to illustrate climate impacts on Canada and dangers of Athabasca Tar Sands development

Who: Dr. Andrew Weaver.

What: Lecture on Climate Change and its Effects on Canada.

When: Friday, November 28th at 1:00pm

Where: Ballroom A, Students’ Union Building, U of L

All U of L students and faculty are invited to an open reception, to meet Dr. Weaver, at Noon on Friday, November 28th in Ballroom A.

Andrew Weaver, author of the newly released book “Keeping Our Cool: Canada in a Warming World” is set to speak in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge on Nov. 26, 27, and 28th respectively. Weaver, lead author of "future predictions" section of the IPCC will bring a message of danger and opportunity to Albertans across the province. Weaver will outline the dangers of climate change, the threats the tar sands pose, and what a real turn around would look like.

Dr. Andrew Weaver is one of the world's leading authorities on global warming and climate change. Andrew Weaver is the author of numerous articles on climate change and has served as a lead author on the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Dr. Weaver is currently a professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria and holds the Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis. Dr. Weaver is also the co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with Al Gore.

Dr. Weaver's visit to Lethbridge is sponsored by the Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group (LPIRG) and the Council of Canadians, Lethbridge and District Chapter

For more information, please contact: Sheila at LPIRG – 403-332-5243